Get Involved

Here at Laurinburg Presbyterian we have many different ways our members can get involved. Click on any of the links below to find out more about some of the opportunities we have for our members.

Church Committees

Check out our Committees page if you want to get involved in some of the committees at our church.


Our session and diaconate meet a few times a month and help make decisions regarding important factions of the church.

Children/Family Ministry

We have many programs and ways the children and families of our church and families can get involved in. Find out more about the activities we have to offer.

Youth Group

We have junior youth group, middle school youth group, as well as senior high youth group for people from the ages of 6–18.

Boy Scouts

The church has a very involved boy scout troop. Laurinburg Presbyterian Boy Scout Troop 420. Find out more about our boy scout troop at Laurinburg Pres by viewing our Boy Scouts page.


We have various music programs that our church members can get involved in. Some of them include adult choir, handbells, children’s choir and more. We also love to have special music guests. Click here to find out more.


Our church enjoys being involved in different missions such as: Souper Bowl of Caring, Christmas Cheer, Church Community Services, Habitat for Humanity, Project inasmuch, Family Promise of Scotland County and much more. To find out about PC-USA missions all over please visit the website:


If you would like to volunteer and help out some ways that you can do so include:

  • Sunday ushering
  • Sunday Church school
  • Scotia Bus Drivers
  • and more…

If you are interested in getting involved in something at Laurinburg Presbyterian Church or finding out more please email us at or call 910-276-0831.